Prepare2go has a particular expertise in both the movement of people and equipment by air, but also aerial filming, survey and search. Our team includes a number of (plane and helicopter) pilots with many thousands of hours experience between them and the entire team is extremely aviation aware. We have inflight tracking in our ops room in Brussels and a the clock is showing Zulu time.

A particular specialisation is the sourcing of AVGAS - often the make or break of light aircraft travel. We have moved this valuable and scarce commodity all over the world by many means - even by dugout canoes!

If you need a small aviation resource (for transport or filming), we also lease out our own 6 seat plane with pilot for specific short or long term missions. 


Flying safaris

Prepare2go organises Flying Safaris to the more unusual, exotic and exciting destinations of our beautiful globe. Fly further, enjoying the security and comfort of our accompanying organisation and support.

Aircraft ferry

ferry flightsWe are constantly facilitating aircraft ferrying all over the world. If you have an aircraft that needs relocating then please get in touch.

Pilot tools

pilottoolsYour one-stop shop for pre-flight information. Take a look at the different pilot tools which make everything a lot easier for you. 


Prepare2go is made up of a can-do, enthusiastic team who between them manage a multitude of skills and languages (and come from all over the globe). We’re able to allocate exactly the right person to your project to make it work as enjoyably/ smoothly as possible.

Follow us



For more information please feel free to send us an email or just give us a call.


Tel:                            +32 2880 2154

Fax:                           +32 2 880 03 50
