We specialise in the movement of people and equipment through difficult environments. Conflict and post-conflict areas fit our mission statement perfectly. Whether you are looking to evacuate staff and their families or insert media teams or protection personnel – that is what we do.

Since large scale (using Boeing 767) evacuations in 2009, we have been busy moving people in and out of Libya. We also provide support for companies, NGOs and other organisations within the country. This work continues as the local situation improves and deteriorates unexpectedly.
Sierra Leone

We provide ground and air support to companies looking to invest in Sierra Leone - a country rich in potential. Notwithstanding their Ebola setbacks With our local partners we can help you hit the ground running without any time lost - even organising a meeting with the Prime Minister if you want.

An ongoing situation requires a flexible, solid partner. We can help. If you need something here please contact us for your specific needs.

The present conflict presents particular difficulties – which we navigate in the best and safest way to help you achieve your aim.

Situation improving, deteriorating - or perhaps both at the same time. We can heilp you see through the confusion. We have particular knowledge of positive stories from the country - so if you are looking for something different to the usual 'news' then please get in touch.

With direct support already given in locations as diverse as Kiev, Sevastapol, Simferopol and even taking CNN to the negotiations in Minsk, we can get you safely in and out of a constantly changing environment.